Monday 19 August 2013

Gears of War: More Rape woo

Ahem, well here we are. Some rather vicious treatment of the lovely Samantha Byrne.


  1. You're getting pretty good! Keep practicing, because you're going to end up with going from pretty good to really good, some day. And then I'll commission you for a cover for a book. :p

    (I hope you don't take that as an insult, but we all start somewhere)

    1. You do me a kindness by saying so, though I'm curious as to where you've come from that you would say so here. You don't appear to be one of my very few blog followers o.o

  2. I come from Darknest. I'm Ick, on there.

    1. Huh. I don't really update darknest anymore, I wasn't getting any real feedback from it so I decided to not just bother awhile ago in the form of completely forgetting about it. >.>

      Kinda feel like the only way to get any exposure on the site is to draw draenei porn. x|

    2. If you want -real- feedback, Darknest definitely isn't the place to go. If you draw the right kind of stuff, you'll just attract people saying stuff along the lines of "That's awesome!" and "Please do X!"

      Not useful, but hey, comments are always nice. I personally don't frequent the art board, but the above is just my general impression, based on the story board as well.

    3. Well as shallow or silly as this might sound... yeah I would have appreciated at least that much. I'm told time and time again that I'm an incredibly underrated artist, that I don't get nearly enough praise for the work I do. Yet I see just about everyone that I look to around me getting tons of attention and being lavished with all the "That's awesome!" and "Please do X!"s...

      It's frustrating, to say the least.

  3. Ah here we are, so at last they appear. Really like 'em, good work!
